It’s …sales time !!!
It`s the right time to shop fresh and classic items in perfect prices !!
Let’s start
1) Black maxi dress
Maxi dresses are priceless and have definitely a place in our wardrobe. We are not all lovers of mini dresses. Don`t forget to add the most elegant long black dress in your sales bucket list.
2) White backpack
Whatever you choose to wear, whatever your mood is (hope is the best), the white backpack fits to all. Believe me … rejuvenates your style, it`s fresh, modern and at the same time classic.
Check the white backpacks here
3) Evening bag in bright color
I’m sure you already own a black evening bag for your special appearances. You certainly have a beige or white one. Do not you think it’s time for something new? Red, Yellow, Blue? How do this sound? Impressive I would say !!!
Wonderful contrasts with summer clothes. Dare it!
4) Maxi skirt
Do you have a facebook account ? an instagram account ? So, i’m sure you already know how hot the maxi skirt is. The conclusion is one … fashion is being recycled so it’s an opportunity to get a timeless piece.
5) High Heels Slippers
I’m sure you own a couple but HAVING ONE IS LIKE HAVING NONE.